Exteroceptive & Interoceptive Sensory Processing and the Aging Client

Body awareness and its role in functional movement and fall reducation training is more complex than just kinesthetic and proprioceptive awareness. Research shows that we also have an internal sensory environment which is rich in visceral input, emotional processing and self awareness. Deep within the central nervous system we process and interpret both our external and internal environments to create one deeply interconnected network. Join Dr Emily as she explores both the exteroceptive and interoceptive systems and how to optimize input, interpertation and integration of this sensory stimulation.


1 - To define the exteroceptive system and how proprioception differs from mechanoception

2 - To define the interoceptive system and how this sensory stimulation is processed

3 - To demonstrate how internal balance can influence external balance

4 - To describe simple exercises to build both interoceptive and exteroceptive awareness

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About Dr. Emily Splichal
Dr Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of EBFA Global (formerly Evidence Based Fitness Academy), Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification, Author of Barefoot Strong and Inventor of Naboso Barefoot Technology. With over 19 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and sensory integration.