Non-Traditional Resistance Training Techniques for Those with Physical Limitations

In this session Robert will introduce the five movement components that every workout should incorporate and some non-traditional resistance training lifts that allow clients with physical limitations the ability to perform without pain. Osteoporosis and Arthritis are two of the greatest concerns for those who do not participate in resistance training. In most cases, this is due to an injury or physical limitation that is exacerbated by the more traditional lifting exercises. With slight modifications (“rigging” if you will) these lifts can produce great results in a pain free fashion.


1 - Attendees will learn five movement components that address improving movement patterns for those with physical limitations

2 - Attendees will learn some non-traditional resistance training techniques that allow clients with physical limitations the ability to perform without pain and that have a direct impact on their daily life (functional) movement patterns.

3 - Attendees will learn resistance training techniques to implement with clients who have osteoporosis, arthritis and/or some of the other more common physical limitations like shoulder and hip impingements, lower back pain and more.

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About Robert Linkul
Robert Linkul is the owner of Be STRONGER Fitness, a personal training studio for older adults in Sacramento, California and the owner of, an online continued education provider for fitness professionals. Robert is an internationally known presenter known for his teachings on resistance training strategies for the Older Adult with physical limitations and/or a decreased quality of life. Linkul has his master’s degree in sports science with an emphasis in personal training, is the NSCA's 2012 Personal Trainer of the Year award winner and a 2017 NSCA Fellowship inductee.